Professional Local Guide Service
All Levels welcome. Waded , Drifted, and Instructional.

All Levels welcome. Waded , Drifted, and Instructional.
Berkshire River Drifters is a professional fly fishing guide and scenic tour service. . From beginners to advanced, we can outfit you and customize your day out on the river.
Scenic tours are available also. Great for photography and a fun way to spend a day on the river with a friend or 2.
The Rivers We Fish
The Deerfield River is a cold water fishery with a native population of rainbows and browns. It is also stocked with both species and is fishable all year long for those die hard anglers.
The Hoosic River has a wild brown trout population and its many feeder streams are stocked with rainbows and brookies that filter down into the Hoosic. The Hoosic River flows through three states MA, VT, and NY into the Hudson River.
The Housatonic River in South County is a warm slow moving river that offers great opportunities for northern pike. Even with our hand tied flies, they're still known as the fish of a 1,000 casts.
1/2 day $300
Full day $400
per 2 ppl.
1/2 day $200
Full day $300
per 2ppl.
great for photography
catch and release